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EYE (Commodore 64)

Publicado: 15 Oct 2012, 18:42
(por Colossus)

EYE can show you something not just classically simple, but simply classic! In m eye own words...

"EYE was originally conceived at an American summer school by three rather eccentric characters - Kerry Kevill, an Australian teacher, Iris Lüttring, a German fashion student and Billy Barry, an Anglo-Irish ex-jockey. Seven years and seven months later, upon Island of Crete, in the midst of olives, watermelons and much burning of midnight oil, EYE became a completed project - the perfect game!"

And so it is. EYE needs neither cash to count, dice to roll, nor score to keep. It has none of those contemporary games requirements involving money and general knowledge. EYE knows no language or culture barriers and can be played the world over from young child, to professor. EYE is a superior game in the truest sense - with dazzingly beautiful and ingenious spirals that rotate fiendishly. When it comes to being original and exciting - the EYE s have it!!

Endurance Games 1987