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Living Daylights, the (Commodore 64)

Publicado: 15 Oct 2012, 18:42
(por mainframe)

Brad Whittaker international arms dealer and megalomaniac. Necros - his ruthless sidekick killer. Koskov, double dealing KGB General and the beautiful Kara, the sophisticated Czech cellist who wins the hero s heart. Match them against James Bond, renowned British Secret Agent (for whom love and death is a way of life) and you have all the ingredients for a super spy story and a great gripping game!

This game is closely based on the all action film and coin-op Arcade game from Arcadia, but puts you into the action as you control James Bond through eight fast and furious levels. Moving from Gibraltar to Afghanistan, you encounter the SAS (friendly) the KGB (not so friendly) enemy helicopters (very unfriendly!) and even a milkman with exploding bottles!

Now go ahead and join James Bond - living on the edge!

Domark 1987